Challenges and opportunities in the Conservation Social Sciences across the African Region

Public Sector11/24/2023 3:00 AM

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SSWG and SCB Africa are co-hosting a webinar on the “Challenges and opportunities in the Conservation Social Sciences across the continent of Africa”, on Thursday the 23rd of November from 11:00-13:00 GMT. This will be a chance to celebrate the use of the social sciences across Africa, and discuss some of the challenges faced and the opportunities for the social sciences in the coming years. We are lucky enough to have four wonderful speakers who will share their experiences from their work, followed by a Q&A and a group breakout session where the challenges/opportunities for the social sciences can be discussed in more detail. Facilitator: Dr Stephanie Brittian, Dr Mwezi Badru Mugerwa (President-elect Society for Conservation Biology). Speakers: Amemarlita Matos (SSWG Board member), Harrison Ajebe Nnoko Nnaaje, Taryn Pereira, Meed Mbidzo


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Social Science Working Group

Social Science Working Group

The SSWG strengthens social sciences and their application to conservation. It aims to inform scientific debates, establish a global community, and catalyze the development of future leaders in conservation social science. The group has a mission to advance scientific understanding, inform conservation decision-making, enhance capacity-building, expand and engage membership, and increase organizational capacity. The SSWG also has a Board of Directors and various committees dedicated to the different aspects of their mission.