Unlocking finance and scalability for cold rooms as a service

Finance11/8/2023 1:00 PM

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The BASE Foundation is hosting a three-part webinar series as part of its Servitisation for Energy Transition and Your Virtual Cold Chain Assistant initiatives to bridge the financing gap in the agricultural-cooling landscape. This series will focus on financing agricultural cold rooms that deploy a Cooling as a Service business model, exploring different funding options involving donors, banks, institutional investors, and cooling companies, as well as identifying barriers and opportunities to invest and access finance. The goal is to foster exchange between financiers and cooling companies to facilitate scaling decentralised off-grid agricultural cold storage. Webinar 1 - 08/11: Cold Storage Financing in Agriculture: Where are we now and where do we want to go? Webinar 2 - 15/11: Unlocking Finance for Cold Rooms and Cooling as Service: Insights and Strategies from the Field and Financiers Webinar 3 - 22/11: Link, Learn, Lead: Connecting Financiers and Cooling Companies for scaling decentralised off-grid agricultural cold storage


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Set Alliance - Net Zero Together

Set Alliance - Net Zero Together

The SET Alliance builds on and strengthens the work completed by the Cooling as a Service (CaaS) initiative and the Efficiency as a Service (EaaS) project, both led by BASE since 2018 and 2020, with the support of the Clean Cooling Collaborative and the European Commission, respectively. The SET Alliance brings together the relevant stakeholders to deploy servitisation effectively. This includes involving the right technology partners, industry associations as well as financial partners for the appropriate type of funds to be provided for. Sustainable, clean and energy efficient solutions play a key role in tackling climate change. The global Servitisation for Energy Transition Alliance is a network of visionary entities. We aim to accelerate the deployment of sustainable, clean and energy efficient solutions to reach the path to net zero in a sustainable and circular manner, through the deployment of the innovative business model “Servitisation”. The SET Alliance was founded by BASE in Switzerland, and our members represent a diversity of the most innovative and successful companies that are engaged with and applying servitisation. We are made up of financial entities, technology providers, private and public entities, non-governmental organisations and associations. Servitisation is an innovative business model through which customers engage with solutions on a pay-per-use approach rather than purchasing the physical asset; therefore avoiding the upfront costs of expensive modern efficient systems, as well as all the risks and hassle that may be associated with adopting new technologies. Customers directly benefit from improved performance and reduced emissions while technology providers retain ownership of the equipment, remaining responsible for all costs related to the installation, operation, and maintenance of the asset. Servitisation enables a Circular Economy, encouraging manufacturers to design for reuse rather than obsolescence, to maximize efficiency and recover materials, thus supporting a circular economy. It is a model which benefits the people, the economy, and the planet. Digitalisation plays a key role in Servitisation. Remote monitoring and smart data algorithms enable the more effective and efficient operation of an asset, thereby improving overall life-cycle performance.