Telerik Academy

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Telerik Academy is a leading tech education organization in Bulgaria offering programs for school students, career jumpstarters, and experienced professionals. With over 13 years of experience, they have trained over 66,000 learners, with 99% of job-seeking graduates hired. They offer courses in Java, JavaScript, C#, Python, QA, Digital Marketing, UX/UI Design, Data Analyst, and DevOps. Telerik Academy has partnerships with leading companies and has paved the way for a successful IT career for many individuals.



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How to become a Data Analyst?
In today's data-driven world, every company is a data company. Data Analysts are the fourth-fastest growing tech occupation for 2022 and are projected to be the sixth-fastest growing occupation in the next 4 years (World Economic Forum). Whether you're seeking new challenges in your career or aiming for a transition to a more senior role, our upcoming webinar on January 17 is for you. During the webinar, you'll meet with the program's lead trainer, Pavlin Mavrodiev, Ph.D, a Full-Stack Data Scientist at the leading bank in Switzerland, UBS. He'll share insights into the role and essential skills needed for mastering data analysis. Join us live, and: Hear from industry experts what Data Analysts do and why they are in such high demand Discover more about the first edition of Telerik Academy’s Upskill Data Analyst program Get the chance to ask all of your questions about the Data Analyst profession and the Upskill program Upskill Data Analyst is a program developed in collaboration with businesses and led by a leading field expert! Language: Bulgarian
1/18/2024 12:00 AM