Monarch Gardens

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Prairie garden design in Nebraska. Monarch Gardens is a prairie-inspired design firm specializing in lawn to meadow conversions and urban shade gardens. With a focus on using 95% native plants, their designs are climate resilient, adaptable, and provide numerous ecological benefits while artistically reflecting wilder landscapes.



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Using Plant Sociability in Garden Design
Plant tags can't take you very far -- not if your goal is a climate resilient, low management, wildlife garden full of myriad ecosystem services. In this presentation we will explore in depth the nuances of researching a plant's sociability or behavior as the key metric in natural garden design. Namely, how allowing a plant to fully express itself through reproduction, and matching it to other plants within a larger community, can create a more holistic landscape best suited to the local site conditions and management goals. Please note this will be a live-format webinar followed by a healthy Q&A period. A recording will be made available to all registrants for two weeks after the event. This webinar is hosted by Benjamin Vogt, owner of the design firm Monarch Gardens LLC and author of the best-selling Prairie Up: An Introduction to Natural Garden Design.
1/20/2024 7:30 PM