Hospis Malaysia

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We provide palliative care services that aim to relief our patients’ suffering from a life-limiting illness, primarily through pain management and other symptom management.



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Compassionate Communities – Looking for Hope in Humanitarian Crises
In this engaging 2 hours webinar, we have invited 2 speakers – both leaders in the palliative care space who believe strongly in empowering communities in palliative care and acknowledging the pivotal role of friends, family, and social networks in end-of-life care. Rachel Coghlan has spent many years researching and advocating for palliative care in humanitarian emergencies and crises, with significant time spent with people in Gaza. She believes strongly in harnessing existing assets and social capital to solve complex health and social care issues. Dr. Christian Ntizimira pioneered the integration of end of life care into health services for Rwandan patients with chronic illnesses in acute care and community settings. In his recent presentation at the Oceanic Palliative Care Conference 2023 in Sydney, Dr Ntizimira was quoted to have said “When you are well, you belong to yourself. But when you are sick, you belong to your family”. He introduced “The Safari Concept” as an approach to palliative care and recognize the importance of family and community in African cultures. Find out more about what he else he has to say about recognising the importance of communities in supporting their people at the final stages of their lives.
11/30/2023 8:00 AM