Buckingham Strategic Partners

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Buckingham Strategic Partners is a financial services company that provides comprehensive support and solutions for financial advisors. With over 25 years of experience, they offer a range of core solutions including back-office support, evidence-driven investment models, practice management resources, marketing support, and more. Their mission is to help advisors grow their businesses and provide a better wealth experience for their clients. Contact them to learn how they can power your dream practice.



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Behind the Scenes: The First 90-Days with Buckingham Strategic Partners
The decision to outsource investments and back-office tasks can feel stressful and overwhelming, especially when coupled with an unknown impact on your firm, your clients and your future. Get the inside scoop from advisors who made the leap at our upcoming webinar. During our Behind the Scenes: The First 90-Days with Buckingham Strategic Partners webinar, three of the newest members of our community share their stories of leveraging the resources of a national firm. They take a deep dive into how this partnership has impacted their day-to-day lives, their experiences transitioning their clients’ accounts and how this evolution has powered their firms in unexpected ways. Want to know more but can’t attend? Register for the webinar and we will send you a link to the recording.
11/7/2023 7:00 PM