The Scientist

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The Scientist is a science news and opinion website that provides information on various scientific disciplines including biochemistry, cancer, cell biology, drug development, genetics, immunology, microbiology, neuroscience, physiology, public health, and zoology. It offers educational articles, expert opinions, publications, brush-up summaries, technique talks, journal club, multimedia content, crossword puzzles, eBooks, infographics, podcasts, research products blog, research articles, science snapshots, slideshows, videos, words for nerds, and webinars. The Scientist also covers current advancements, research findings, and scientific discoveries from diverse fields of study.



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Comprehensive Quality Control and Interactive Analysis of Single Cell RNA-seq Data
In this webinar, Joshua Campbell will talk about the fundamentals of scRNA-seq analysis and how to handle various challenges.Scientists use single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to gain insights into cellular heterogeneity within complex tissues. Various technical artifacts can be present in scRNA-seq data and should be assessed before performing downstream analyses. In this Technique Talk, Joshua Campbell will discuss the fundamentals of scRNA-seq analysis and appropriate approaches for handling various challenges.
12/14/2023 7:30 PM