SNS-OPS Survey Results on Technical, Vision and Market aspects of Phase 1 SNS Projects
The first set of 33 Research and Innovation SNS projects have been active since January 2023, marking the start of the Smart Networks and Services journey. The projects take both evolutionary and revolutionary approaches towards the research and development of novel technologies, functionalities and ecosystems that will enable the transition towards 6G networks by 2030. The SNS-OPS Coordination & Support Action project, tasked with supporting the projects’ work and promoting the key messages of the SNS Joint Undertaking, has conducted an extensive survey, during the first semester of 2023, to obtain additional information about each project’s vision and approach. The goal of this survey was to get a better understanding of the work planned to be performed in each of the projects, the challenges being addressed and the expected outcomes. Join us for this interesting webinar, where the results of the survey will be shared with the broader SNS community, to gain significant insights regarding the Technical focus, the market aspirations, and the overall vision of the SNS-JU Phase 1 projects.