Christian Aid

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Christian Aid is a UK charity that fights against global poverty. They work with people, churches, and local organizations to end poverty worldwide. Through their humanitarian programs, they reach 1.4 million people in need and implement 257 projects in 14 countries. Christian Aid believes in creating a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. They also run campaigns for climate justice and provide assistance during humanitarian emergencies.



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Get Ready For COP Webinar
Join us on Monday, 13 November to learn all about COP28, how you and your church can get involved. This year’s UN climate talks, COP28, will take place from 30 November to 12 December in Dubai. At last year’s talks in Egypt, countries agreed to the creation of a Loss and Damage Fund to help the most vulnerable countries rebuild after climate disasters. But the fund has not been created and the money is yet to reach the people who need it. As people continue to suffer, the UK Government is backtracking on its climate commitments and fossil fuel companies are raking in eye-watering profits. With so much at stake, it’s never been more important to keep up our calls for climate justice.Our speakers are Christian Aid staff who have experience of previous COPs, and are closely monitoring global climate negotiations and the UK Government's position.
11/13/2023 7:00 PM