Interesting Engineering

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Interesting Engineering is a website that provides engineering, tech, and science news. They cover a wide range of topics including energy, transportation, culture, military, health, and more. Stay updated with the latest developments in the field of engineering and technology through their informative articles and newsletters.



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A Game-Changer for Construction: The Power of Millimeter-Accurate Augmented Reality
Join us for the interactive webinar "A Game-Changer for Construction: The Power of Millimeter-Accurate Augmented Reality," designed to educate construction and engineering professionals about the industry's transformative advancements in augmented reality (AR) technology. Led by Waleed Zafar, Mission Critical Director at XYZ Reality, and Joe Hughes, Senior Solutions Engineer, this session will cover the practical applications of engineering-grade AR, showcasing how it enhances project accuracy and efficiency. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a live Q&A, making this an excellent chance to gain insights and ask questions about implementing AR in construction projects.Topics• Engineering-Grade Augmented Reality Applications• Enhancing Project Delivery and Management• Case Studies of Successful AR ImplementationsSpeakers: Waleed Zafar, Mission Critical Director, XYZ Reality; Joe Hughes, Senior Solutions Engineer, XYZ Reality.
10/28/2024 2:00 PM