Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre

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Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre is a one-stop source for starting and growing your business in Windsor-Essex. We provide complimentary consultations, easy access to information and resources on all aspects of your business needs every step of the way. Apply Now: Eligible entrepreneurs can receive free business training, mentorship and a grant of up to $5,000 to start, grow or purchase a business in Windsor-Essex. Since 1992, the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre has provided thousands of entrepreneurs with training and support to start and grow successful businesses in Windsor and Essex County. Make the right decisions at business start-up and develop the skills and access to networks you need to grow and succeed. We can connect you to training programs and financing opportunities to start or grow your small business. Use our interactive GIS tool to find the perfect commercial property and search regional demographic data. We can connect you with regional programs and supports to help your business.



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