Snappy Kraken

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Snappy Kraken is a complete digital marketing system for financial advisors who care about meaningful connections. They offer personalized websites, original content, and marketing automation to help advisors serve clients, expand relationships, and grow their businesses.



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Generate More Leads with Estate Planning Content
How Estate Planning Can Help You Drive More Meaningful Conversations, Build Stronger Relationships, and Expand Your Service OfferingEstate planning is a hot topic. It is consistently one of the highest performing campaign topics for Snappy Kraken clients (2nd highest performing in all of 2023), and yet many advisors don’t offer it as a service for their clients.Join Andres Mazabel, Head of Advisor Sales at Trust & Will and Robert Sofia, CEO of Snappy Kraken, on this live webinar to learn:How to start more conversations, win more clients, and grow AUM by adding Estate Planning to your service offeringWhy estate planning is key for moving towards a family office with stronger client relationshipsHow estate planning can help you uncover opportunities you weren’t aware of beforeThe importance of education in estate planningPLUS an exciting announcement about a partnership between Snappy Kraken and Trust & Will that will make it easier than ever to launch estate planning content for your firm.Save your spot for the webinar today!
6/18/2024 5:00 PM