School of Social Work

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The School of Social Work at the University of Minnesota promotes the knowledge, skills, and values of the social work profession. Our programs, including the Master of Social Work and Youth Development Leadership M.Ed., prepare students to be research-savvy professionals and scholars. We offer undergraduate programs in youth studies, family violence prevention, and social justice, which support and promote social change and the common good. With renowned faculty and a commitment to social equity and justice, the School of Social Work is dedicated to preparing advanced scholars and practitioners who will make a difference in the world.



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Inequality & the Environment: Moving from Science to Action that Advances Environmental Justice and Health Equity
People of color are more likely to breathe dirty air, drink contaminated water, and live near hazardous waste sites, industrial agriculture operations, and other sources of pollution. The accelerating impacts of climate change are having additional disproportionate effects on minoritized populations. This talk will discuss structural determinants of environmental health disparities and community-engaged research to develop decision-support tools that advance environmental justice.
3/2/2024 6:00 PM