Return Stacked ETF

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Return Stacked ETFs aim to unlock the benefits of diversification by layering one investment return on top of another. For every $1 invested in RSBT, it provides $1 of core U.S. bond exposure and $1 of a managed futures strategy. RSST is designed to provide $1 of large-cap U.S. equity exposure and $1 of a managed futures strategy for every $1 invested. RSSB aims to provide $1 of global equity exposure and $1 of exposure to U.S. Treasuries for every $1 invested. Return Stacking allows investors to pursue diversification without sacrificing exposure to traditional assets, potentially enhance returns, and improve diversification. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses before investing.



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Return Stacked® ETFs: Pursuing Diversification Without Sacrifice
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2/6/2024 7:00 PM